The Council ensures that its recognized training institutions situated across the country adhere to the established norms and for this purpose, the Council continuously monitors the quality of the training programme by adopting the following policies:-
- Inspection of the Institution
- The feasibility of the Institution for grant of extension of recognition is assessed by a team of Visiting Experts nominated from the respective disability area.
- The Institutions desirous to conduct any of the Council's approved training are also assessed for their feasibility of conducting the proposed training programme in special education and rehabilitation.
- Surprise Inspection & Mid -Term Report
- The Council regularly carries out surprise inspections to monitor the quality of the approved training programme and violations identified are required to be rectified under intimation to the Council.
- The recognised institutions are required to submit their mid-term report pertaining to the conduct of the approved training. The report contains detailed information about the core & guest faculty, students admitted and other infrastructural facilities required in accordance with the RCI's prescribed norms.
List of Visiting Expert
- Annexure - B.1 List of faculty member after submitted the verification done by CPMU Team of DEPwD
- Annexure - B.2 Faculty list submitted by NIs CRC
- Annexure - B.3 List of faculties applied to become visiting expert
- Revised Manual on Assessment of Training Institutions. 09-03-2020 (Size: 1787 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- Assessment Report Format (Revised in August 2020) :
- D.Ed.Special Education (HI)(Size: 1447 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- D.Ed.Special Education (ID)(Size: 2374 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- D.Ed.Special Education (VI)(Size: 2374 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- D.H.L.S (Size: 5423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- DHAEMT(Size: 5423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- B.Ed. Special Education (HI)(Size: 5423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- B.Ed.Special Education (ID) (Size: 5423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- B.Ed Special Education (VI)(Size: 7854 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- B.A.S.L.P(Size: 786 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.A.S.L.P (Size: 564 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- B.P.O(Size: 2134 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.P.O(Size: 3432 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- PGDAVT(Size: 765 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.Ed. Special Education (HI) (Size: 5423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.Ed Special Education (ID)(Size: 5423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.Ed.Special Education (VI)(Size: 1235 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.Phil (Clinical Psychology)(Size: 1423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English))
- M.Sc. (SLP)(Size: 765 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- M.SC (Audiology)(Size: 2387 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- Other Course(s)(Size: 1423 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
- Model Guidelines for issuance of "No Objection Certificate" for States/ Union Territory Administrations.(Size: 1745 KB, Format: PDF, Language: English)
(Visiting Experts are requested to intimate the Council for any changes with regard to professional qualification and contact details..)