Norms and Guidelines

What is Accreditation?
For the RCI it means A process of quality assurance, giving recognition where it is due for some clearly visible and demonstrable strategies of rehabilitation training programmes and allied services in their respective areas of disability and objectives of the institution, known to be honestly pursued and efficiently achieved by the resources currently available with a potential for continuous improvement in quality for effective growth and efficient function.

What does accreditation signify?
Accreditation signifies different things to different stakeholders,

  • For the Rehabilitation Council of India : It signifies that the institutional performance is based on the assessment through a competent body of quality assessors, with strengths & weaknesses emanating as a feedback for policy planning.
  • For the institution : It signifies its strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for future growth.

What is the RCI's quality grading format ?
On the basis of the information submitted in form of schedule of the framework for self-study and on-site external evaluation by a team of the visiting experts and recommendation thereof provides the scores and finally accorded quality grading in their area of disability as below:

  • Grade (A) : Outstanding
    Signifies that the rehabilitation training programmes and allied services meets the requirements and in the most cases exceeds the criteria. Outstanding Grade is awarded when the cumulative score exceeds 150 on a 200 point scale.
  • Grade (B) : Excellent
    Signifies that the rehabilitation training programmes meets and in the most cases exceeds the criteria. Excellent Grade is awarded when the cumulative score exceeds 120 to 149 on a 200 point scale.
  • Grade (C) : Very Good
    Signify that the training programme in the field of special education and rehabilitation meets the minimum criteria. Grade very good awarded when the cumulative score is between 100 and 119 on a 200 point scale.

What is the composition of the visiting accreditation team?
The accreditation team consists of a chairperson and two professional members in their respective areas of disability. The team members are either senior professionals or academicians, who are selected on the basis of their high standing in the profession.

The chairperson has the overall responsibility for the on-site evaluation and after the completion of the accreditation formalities makes appropriate recommendation to the Council.

Professional Members
Professional Members are the senior most professionals in their respective areas of disability and assist the chairperson for accreditation of the training programme during the on-site evaluation on the basis of the information submitted by the concerned institution.

How is the assessment done?
The assessment & accreditation team comprising the senior most professional and the chairperson of the committee in consultation with the training institution make a visit for on-site evaluation as per the information submitted by the institution in form of schedule of framework for the self-study.
The team carries out physical verification of the infrastructure facilities, records criterion-wise, i.e. Curricular Aspects, Teaching Learning and Evaluation, Research, Consultancy and Extension, Infrastructure and Learning Resources, Students Support and Progression, Organization and Management, Disability Specific Information and interviews faculty, staff student-trainees, alumni and any other relevant activities deemed necessary to ensure transparency.

Purpose of accreditation
Not to find faults with the training institution but to assess the status-ante of the performance.
Not to desigrate the working style of the training institution and its programmes but to provide a feedback on their strengths and weaknesses.
Not to demarcate the boundaries of the quality but to offer a sensitizing process for continuous improvement in quality provisions.
Not to select only training institutions of national excellence but to provide benchmark of excellence and identification of good practice.

What is necessary?
It is to sustain the present institutional growth rate and ensure maintenance of credible programmes.It is to ensure that the training institute indeed has and is likely to have in near future, the necessary resources for qualitative rehabilitation education programme.

Who is eligible to apply?
RCI approved training centers conducting rehabilitation training programmes are eligible to apply for Accreditation status on the prescribed format.
Institution unable to get Accreditation status can apply again to the council next year with additional  information.
Institutions that have been accorded Accreditation status are valid for a period of five years.
Institutions having already obtained Excellent Grade/ A Grade Certification / Special Certification (for the year 2000-01).